Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Agenda 21: Coming to a Library Near You

If you believe that Agenda 21 hasn't come to your community yet, you'll think twice after you read this. ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, has been working behind the scenes to develop community partnerships that develop and advance professional local government management to create sustainable communities that are supposed to improve lives worldwide.[1] Just as many of these Agenda 21 programs have been meeting in churches, because it provides the look of being neutral therefore trustworthy, they also meet in libraries - but it's more than that. Since libraries are an integral part of communities, ICMA has set up residence within the public library system with a plan to develop strong sustainable communities.

ICMA has completed the Local Government and Public Libraries Partnership Initiative, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As part of this initiative, ICMA formed an advisory committee and hosted a meeting to enable managers to explore their role as advocates for libraries and how libraries relate to quality of life and community sustainability, one of ICMA’s long-term priorities.[2][3]

Let's look at it this way:

 Bill Gates + State/Local Agencies = UN Agenda 21 in your city/county

Since ICMA has gotten its foot in the door at the state level, it is able to reach communities of all sizes, and they come bearing financial gifts for those who cooperate.

 ICMA maintains close ties to state-based associations of local government.

In the following video, Jill Nishi, Deputy Director of U.S. Libraries Initiative, discusses the role of public libraries. She leads a team to bring computer and Internet access to disadvantaged (underdeveloped) communities through the nation’s public libraries.[4]

(YouTube link)

This isn't all about providing computers to small communities - it's about sustainability and the control grid being placed into communities that are not metropolitan areas via libraries. They provide local training to participants and prepare them for the brave new world we are about to live in.

An Example
The library below is in the small city next to the rural area I live in. It is part of Bill Gates library initiative and it is being supported by a few local corporations bearing financial gifts. About a year ago, I learned about the collaborative effort of Connect Southside and Southside Community Partners, and have always been suspicious of them. I was mainly suspicious because I felt the library was a strange place for a nonprofit resource center to set up business.

 Partnership and partners are communitarian buzzwords.

When I learned about their program, I signed up for the Connect Southside email mailing list. I received information that relates to this aspect of Southside Community Partners today.

 (Click on image for a close-up.)
Essentially, Southside Community Partners is sponsoring a summit promoting sustainability and building the infrastructure of Petersburg, VA. The keynote speaker is from the socialist state of Illinois, and is a national expert on community development and housing and their alignment with the improvement of public education and regional policy. Do you see where this is taking us?

The speaker was previously the Director of the Chicago Working Group of The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation [known globalists] and has in-depth experience in the coordination of community development corporations, state and local government, financial institutions and foundations around these issues.[5]

 (Click on image for a close-up.)

ICMA, the organization Southside Community Partners have partnered with, works in cooperation with Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI); Center for American Progress (a think tank); National League of Cities; and U.S. Green Building Council. Sustainability goals and guiding principles are promoted through the handbook they wrote together.

There are 81 goals and 10 principles that they hope will become the new national standard. These goals and principles are designed to create a performance management framework from which all future sustainability projects and policies can be judged.[6]

Agenda 21 is in the process of Greening the Town. Green libraries are a part of the future exchange of information. Communitarian policies will be affecting all of us before we know it, even those in rural areas. Transition is coming.