Until you realize the significance that public parks play in the future of global governance, only then will you begin to understand why many parks are being beautified, and vacant green space converted into parks in many U.S. cities. [1][2][3]
Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, WA
You see, Communitarianism is a philosophy that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community.[4] Consequently, local park systems help to provide the space to make this connection. The design measures taken by Sustainable Development through Sustainable Urbanism have helped to rebuild the infrastructure of cities that have been deteriorating from age. Many parks have been an outcome of this local rejuvenation plan, as has recreational areas and the planting of public gardens. Community organizers believe this style of intentional community design helps to prepare their locality for storm surges, fuel and water shortages, and climate change, but little do they know that they are assisting in creating a radical system of governance, and facilitating nature worship.
From the ICLEI website.
The design movement and organizations promoting sustainable communities is closely related to Regionalism, Localism, Environmentalism, and Smart Growth.[5] Since many U.S. cities and their residents don't know, or refuse to believe that there is a dark side to what is taking place, they blindly follow the Sustainable Development goals of Agenda 21. This isn't only for the U.S., but the whole world.
The Big Picture
If we step back and view the big picture, you will see that Sustainable Development is doing a complete make-over of the U.S.. Regionalism is also something we should be concerned with.
"Regionalism restructures or reinvents the operation of American government by destroying traditional political boundaries, such as county lines, and ushers in a transformed system of governance that ultimately abolishes private property and the rights of the individual. Regionalism has infiltrated cities and counties everywhere, affecting transportation, water, farming and land use systems… literally every aspect of your life. " Michael ShawThese measures are provided through the assistance of Good Governance. The definition Wikipedia provides should send up more red flags.
"Because the term good governance can be focused on any one form of governance, aid organizations and the authorities of developed countries often will focus the meaning of good governance to a set of requirement that conform to the organization's agenda, making "good governance" imply many different things in many different contexts... Concepts such as civil society, decentralisation, peaceful conflict management and accountability are often used when defining the concept of good governance, the definition of good governance promotes many ideas that closely align with effective democratic governance. Not surprisingly, emphasis on good governance can sometimes be equated with promoting democratic government."Being that these measures are worldwide, what would you assume?
Why are the Elites doing this? Put simply, these depraved individuals are attempting to create world governance, otherwise known as the New World Order. The revolutionary ideology the Masonic Founding Fathers brought to this country was based on the Enlightenment, and it is being duplicated again today. The Elites desire to take "freedom" to the next level. This time it is an effort to convert the world to their definition of freedom, and that includes freedom from the authority of tradition and church. Their world revolution will completely silence Christianity for inclusiveness.
Within the last century or so, cruel dictators have had a willing participant in the Roman Catholic Church. In the transition ahead, its daughter - the Evangelical Church - will follow closely alongside.
He awaits the Universal christ, not the Lord Jesus Christ. Billy Graham was
instrumental in forming the Emergent Church, and for heightening the
expectation of a Jesuit concocted pretribulation rapture.
expectation of a Jesuit concocted pretribulation rapture.
Mussolini at the Vatican
We can see the affects of these oneness beliefs on the corporate church level as they trade their spiritual unity in the Lord Jesus Christ into a physical unity of a more inclusive oneness. Cults, such as Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, and Jehovah Witnesses, have now begun to be recognized as part of the Body of Christ, where they were once considered heretics.
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Col. 2:8
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Col. 2:8
As the deceived intentionally remove boundaries and mold slowly promote the oneness of all mankind, they draw in the spiritually blind, and they too are swallowed up in the lies. The use of New Age terminology is used left and right, but the typical believer in the corporate church doesn't recognize it as so.
"He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." John 12:40
The oneness of this movement is important in acheiving the goal of collectivism. Collectivist orientations stress the importance of cohesion within social groups - the ultimate oneness. Note the similarity of the symbolism used by different facets of the movement.
Symbolism of the Oneness Movement
Oneness sustainability artwork
Oneness in the Earth Mother of the holistic health circle
Oneness in the world globalism effort
Oneness in the New Thought shared consciousness of One
Oneness in New Thought -
"inseparable oneness of God and Man"
Oneness in New Thought -
"inseparable oneness of God and Man"

Oneness of Theosophists
Oneness in the Ecumenical Movement of the corporate church
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." 2 Cor. 6:17
Creating a Collective Front
Meditation is a key influencing factor in the oneness movement.
Be it TM or contemplative prayer of the ecumenical corporate church,
the altered state is important in accepting the deception.
Be it TM or contemplative prayer of the ecumenical corporate church,
the altered state is important in accepting the deception.
It's worth mentioning that within her Wikipedia page, Joanna is obviously a New Ager and is interested in healing Mother Earth. She was also invited to the United Nations Center in Bangkok to receive an award for being an “Outstanding Woman in Buddhism” in honor of United Nations International Women's Day. She's apparently quite connected.
A False Premise
In searching for an enemy that would unite the world, the Club of Rome admittedly manufactured the global warming threat in 1990. Based on this, the United Nations began to create sustainable measures to implement a grid of control. Businesses, colleges, and local governments had to sign a statement that obligated them to design their own measures to prove they were on the same page as the Globalists.
As you will see in this illustration, Park City, Utah has created their sustainable plan. Community, Economic, and the Environment represents the three-legged stool of communitarianism. It is a mandatory partnership between the public and private sectors, and managed through standards established by national and international rules. The development of parks (left column in blue) is a priority in Park City, Utah.
What is even more significant is that they used the triquetra.
The three interlocking circles, though it is modified, comes from the triquetra.
The triquetra is an ancient Pagan symbol also used by the New Age Movement and the Emergent Church.
New Ager Marilyn Ferguson uses the triquetra on her manifesto of the New Age counterculture.
Here are some other examples of how it is used.
"Here is wisdom. Let him
that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Rev. 13:18
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Rev. 13:18
Is it really that bad?
Communitarianism is a blend of
philosophical ideals, borrowing from the world's political, economic,
and religious systems that has existed for generations. It has also been called the "Third Way." Just as Fascism was originally promoted as a
"Third Position" between democracy/capitalism and communism,
Communitarianism attempts to syncretize these ideas to offer a Third Way, therefore using the same strategy.
Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini publicly advocated such a "Third Position (Alternative)," such as in a speech when Italy entered into World War II, saying:
"This conflict must not be allowed to cancel out all our achievements of the past eighteen years, nor, more importantly, extinguish the hope of a Third Alternative held out by Fascism to mankind fettered between the pillar of capitalist slavery and the post of Marxist chaos. The proponents of these obsolete doctrines must understand that the Fascist sword has been unsheathed twice before, in Ethiopia and in Spain, with known results." Benito Mussolini [8]
Note the cross in the background of this Italian poster.
Wikipedia says:
"The Third Position or Third Alternative is a revolutionary nationalist political position that emphasizes its opposition to both communism and capitalism. Advocates of Third Position politics typically present themselves as "beyond left and right", instead claiming to syncretize radical ideas from both ends of the political spectrum as a syncretism." Wikipedia
Look how the concept is similar to Anarchism.
"National-Anarchism has been argued to be a syncretic political ideology that was developed in the 1990s by former Third Positionists to promote a stateless palingenetic ultranationalism.The poster explains further.
Some political analysts have described the Tea Party movement as "Fascist," particularly with respect to Griffin's emphasis on palingenesis." Wikipedia
It all seems ironic, since Plato's Republic defended a hierarchical, authoritarian rule under a philosopher-king. He knew all along that when a democracy would fall, it would turn into a dictatorship.

Plato with his right-hand pointing upwards indicates
the right-hand path.
the right-hand path.
it is also Plato's "order out of chaos" and the Masons multilayer of
meanings that inspired the Elites to use Communitarianism to lead the
world into collapse - or that many would die accomplishing it. Plato preferred a Republic, but the U.S. transitioned into a democracy in the late 20th century.
From the book entitled The Secret Destiny of America by Masonic historian Manly P. Hall, he writes:
From the book entitled The Secret Destiny of America by Masonic historian Manly P. Hall, he writes:
"World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. America was selected to be the site of the philosophical empire. The brilliant plan of the Ancients has survived to our time, and it will continue to function until the great work is accomplished."He also said:
"The outcome of this ‘secret destiny’ is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings."[9]By the way, "Plato’s Republic had been a principal influence in the development of modern Freemasonic Ritual." [10]
When you look back at the research I did on Synarchism, it brings to light a form of Anarchy that falls in line with the beliefs of secret societies.
"Synarchy...is government by secret societies or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes. It is an analogue of theocracy or rule by a priesthood." Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre
"...synarchism unfolds as a strange paradox of fundamental contradictions, such as Nazi-Communism. The modern world is presently choked in the stranglehold of numerous such paradoxes of self-contradictory pursuits. It is really nothing more than a form of anarchism that is cleverly hidden behind the cloak of many disguises. Like anarchism, its general goal is to eradicate legitimate government...
The "fathers of synarchy" were the Knights Templar, the holders of ancient Gnostic and alchemical wisdom.[11] Synarchism is also depicted by Rosicrucian Francis Bacon's New Atlantis - his vision for a utopian New World.
Where are we today?
By the way, Communitarianism isn't a conspiracy. It is all being done out in the open. Enough so, that former President Clinton openly discussed it in the media. Note the glint in his eye when he explains the strategy they have to explain to the world and the American people whenever they make a move.
By the way, Communitarianism isn't a conspiracy. It is all being done out in the open. Enough so, that former President Clinton openly discussed it in the media. Note the glint in his eye when he explains the strategy they have to explain to the world and the American people whenever they make a move.
(YouTube link)
As mentioned in previous posts, President Obama is a also a Communitarian, as is UK's David Cameron. Cameron's approach on community and government is called Big Society. They are using climate change as a ruse, and the UK is also promoting the use of green space for connecting communities through the use of parks. The author of the article above writes that local parks might affect health and well-being, but that is a partial truth.
As mentioned in previous posts, President Obama is a also a Communitarian, as is UK's David Cameron. Cameron's approach on community and government is called Big Society. They are using climate change as a ruse, and the UK is also promoting the use of green space for connecting communities through the use of parks. The author of the article above writes that local parks might affect health and well-being, but that is a partial truth.
The royal family of England are supporters of the "Green Movement." Prince Charles’ book, titled Harmony, is an attack on Capitalism and outlines his environmental manifesto for a “Sustainable Revolution.” Some say it is a veiled request for the world to return to a monarchal order. The idea that a government should determine your dietary habits is a not too distant offshoot of that concept, and of feudalism (a political, economic, or social order resembling this medieval system, and another aspect of the synthesis).[12]
The King's Land
We have seen vast amounts of land being purchased and protected by the U.S. government, and the animals that inhabit the land have gained the same protection. Instead of calling these state parks and federal land "the king's land," they are calling it "protected land." Under feudalism, all the land in a kingdom was the king's. As a natural consequence of that, when you shoot a deer for meat on the king's land, it was the king’s deer and you could lose your head over it. For the sake of Mother Earth and her ability to heal, the control of our public lands are being taken over, and they have done it deceptively.
What is in a word?
Communitariansim, harmony, synergy, ecumenical, teamwork, oneness, community, communism, unity, and other interesting words, all seem have a relationship with one another. Using the word search tool in the Panlexicon website, Communitarianism is found to be related to all of these words below.
Funny how a computer program can spot the relationship, but many humans can't.
In the next post, we will look at another reason why parks are so important in our communities, and the agencies interested in furthering their existence.
Related Posts
Urban Parks: A Tool of the Communitarian Utopia - Part 2
Agenda 21: Coming to a Library Near You
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Synarchism and Communitarianism: A Synthesis of Ideologies
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The Subtle Lies of Democracy